Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Working on Two Projects

 I have not finished my 'Mermaid' door hanging yet, but at least I found the border I wanted and I have layered and pinned it.  Its another step closer to being finished.

It should measure around 13 by 18 inches when finished.  I think this week will see it done.

I have been thinking of doing a Dragonfly project next.  While digging thru my stash for some background, I found this floral fabric.  I think it will be ideal for my project.

Here are rough sketches of three Dragonflies.  With that pretty fabric I needed more than one.

Here are some of the fabrics I think I will use for the critters.  Maybe in blue, lavender and pink with wings in a smaller print of similar colors.  That's the idea right now.  Of course you know me friends, that could very well change by tomorrow.

In any case I am working on all cylinders for now.  I have some kitchen cleaning to do after lunch.....My drawers need emptying and cleaning and so do my counters.  Luckily in this small apartment I do not have tons of space to deal with in these efforts.  But even that little cleaning takes its toll so I will not be sewing any longer today.  

Its good, though, my cardio report from my checkup yesterday and the EKG was very good so I am feeling rejuvenated with that news.  Still, one does not want to overdo things.  I think working an hour or so on sewing (and pressing) each day and then on cleaning is the limit that I want to fulfill.  The rest of the day is for me and my TV programming and reading and cooking.  Its a very good life.

Enjoy your day friends.  Hugs, S

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