Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Working on Two Projects

 I have not finished my 'Mermaid' door hanging yet, but at least I found the border I wanted and I have layered and pinned it.  Its another step closer to being finished.

It should measure around 13 by 18 inches when finished.  I think this week will see it done.

I have been thinking of doing a Dragonfly project next.  While digging thru my stash for some background, I found this floral fabric.  I think it will be ideal for my project.

Here are rough sketches of three Dragonflies.  With that pretty fabric I needed more than one.

Here are some of the fabrics I think I will use for the critters.  Maybe in blue, lavender and pink with wings in a smaller print of similar colors.  That's the idea right now.  Of course you know me friends, that could very well change by tomorrow.

In any case I am working on all cylinders for now.  I have some kitchen cleaning to do after lunch.....My drawers need emptying and cleaning and so do my counters.  Luckily in this small apartment I do not have tons of space to deal with in these efforts.  But even that little cleaning takes its toll so I will not be sewing any longer today.  

Its good, though, my cardio report from my checkup yesterday and the EKG was very good so I am feeling rejuvenated with that news.  Still, one does not want to overdo things.  I think working an hour or so on sewing (and pressing) each day and then on cleaning is the limit that I want to fulfill.  The rest of the day is for me and my TV programming and reading and cooking.  Its a very good life.

Enjoy your day friends.  Hugs, S

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Next Up, A Mermaid

 I am thinking mermaid.  Yup, I drew a mermaid when I found this adorable fish fabric in my stash.  I thought I would place her among the denizens of the deep.

Here's the drawing pinned to the backside of the fish fabric.

Here are the fabrics I plan to use.  I'm thinking the skin of the mermaid should be a silky blue.  

Its a lovely day here in Maine today.  Temps are in the low 60sF all day and the nights drop into the low 30s as a rule right now.  Its pretty darn spring-like.  But I won't be fooled.  In my area we can't put out vegetable plants until after Memorial Day except for the cool-hardy ones that can stand a little frost now and then; like broccoli, lettuce, kale, cabbage, cauliflower.  The warm veggies like tomatoes and peppers have to wait to be transplanted around June 6-10th to be safe.

Our building is thinking of putting in some raised beds for the residents which I applaud.  I would love to have one where I can grow my own veggies.  I miss having a garden. 
In the opening photo of my main page you can see the present raised beds down by the wheelbarrow in our back garden here but we, the residents can't use them.  They are planned by our resident gardener.  She does a great job, but I would love to have a plot of my own for some mini-tomatoes and a cucumber plant along with some lettuce, radishes, parsley, and thyme to tempt my salad-making efforts.
Since they are taking names I went ahead and ordered some mini-tomato plants from Territorial Seed in Oregon.  I have ordered from them before and been very happy.  They send the right plants and they are healthy upon arrival.  I had to do that the first year I had my own garden since my raised beds at home were not built in time for early spring.  It worked out fine.  After that year I started all my own seeds and plants under lights and loved doing it.

Here is a close-up of those same raised beds along with my precious Corgi, Penny who went to Doggy Heaven December 2018.  I still miss her.

I am already planning ahead since I know that there are more folks out there ordering seed this year because of the isolation and difficulty in getting fresh food.  My order is in with the seeds already here and the transplants scheduled to arrive the end of May.  If we here cannot have our own raised bed as suggested, I will donate my seeds and plants to my daughter who has room for a nice garden at her house.

I can only hope for the best.   Have a good day.

Monday, March 22, 2021

"Irises in the Birches" is Finished

 It feels so good to get another project finished.

This Door Hanging is 14" by 16 inches.  I adore Irises and Fairies along with Birch Trees so I got them all in one project.  Its a very spring-like item.

Here's a little closer view of the door hanging.

I have several ideas percolating in my head so what will the next project be, I wonder.  Certainly it will be fun.  

Have a nice day.

Sunday, March 21, 2021


 Here's an easy recipe for Goulash.  


1 lb. Ground Beef, the leaner the less fat to drain off

1 Cup Elbow Macaroni

2 Cups Tomatoes and their Juices, or 28 Oz can whole tomatoes, mashed

1 cup Green Pepper, Diced

1/2 Cup Onions, Diced

1 Clove Garlic, Minced


1 Teaspoon each:

Salt, Pepper, Italian Seasoning, Sugar

2 Tablespoons Dried Parsley

1/4 Teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper Flakes, if desired

Brown your ground beef along with the peppers, onions and the garlic.  

Drain off the excess fats if there is any.  If using lean beef, you may not have to drain.

Add Tomatoes and your Seasonings.

Stir and simmer together for 12-14 minutes

Add Elbow Macaroni.  Stir together. 

Cover pot and simmer for 15-20 minutes til elbows are tender.

Serve with sour cream or Cheddar Cheese

Brown your meat, peppers, onion, and garlic. Salt and Pepper your meat.  Drain off excess fat.

Add your seasonings.  Stir together.  

Simmer uncovered for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add 1 Cup Elbow Macaroni.  Stir together.  Cover and simmer another 12-15 minutes until macaroni is tender, stirring occasionally and checking the elbows.

It will evaporate some of the juices before its done.  
Serve with Sour Cream or Cheddar Cheese.

Note:  I did not have any green pepper to add to this pot so did without.  
You can use fresh tomatoes but I would mash them.   I did not have fresh, so I added  one 28-oz. can Whole Peeled Plum Tomatoes that I mashed with a potato masher.  It works as well as squeezing them with your hands and you do not get your hands messy nor touch the food.  A safety precaution.


Friday, March 19, 2021

The Borders Are Added and The Throats Finished

 I am rolling along with my door hanging.  I added the borders today and got the 'throats' finished.

This will finish approximately 16 by 18 inches when done.

A close-up view of the throats with some color added.

The next phase will be layering, pinning, and quilting and the last will be binding it all together.  I hope to get it finished in the next few days so I can begin something else.
Have a good day.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Another Day, Another Step in Sewing

 I worked on my satin-stitching today.  I also tried one method for the flower throats but am not sure if I will settle for this method.  I may try another tomorrow.

The piece looks so much better after the satin-stitching outlines, I think.

Creativity takes many turns and for me, I take my time in making final decisions.  So its slow going when I do a project.  I am already thinking of my next one.  
Have a good day. 

I Added Fairies.....

 Yup, one of my favorite things.  I added fairies....

I adore fairies so here are a few flittering around my Irises.  More work to do today.'
Have a good day.  S 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

"Irises In The Birches" is Coming Along

 I just got back to sewing again today after several days of playing idle.  I added the colors of my irises to the project.

Here it is, tacked down into place.  Its a rough viewing but at least I am making some progress.  It took me a few days just to decide on colors for the flowers.  I love irises and always have.  When I gardened I had them in all colors.  They were beautiful.  Unfortunately they did not last long enough to suit me.  It made for a lovely spring, but then I had to depend on other flowers, like my roses for color.

I hope to get back to this project again tomorrow.  As for the fluffy throats, I am thinking maybe cotton balls would answer.  The decision about fairies and insects also looms large.  I just love being creative.

Have a nice day. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

My "Ceramic Bunnies in the Field" is FInished

 I got it done.  I like this one better than the Eggs.  

Here is "Ceramic Bunnies in the Field" with its honey bees and a fairy in the garden.  It measures 14" by 16" and is a perfect size for my front door.  Its all ready for Easter time. 
It finished in time for Easter and will look pretty good on my front door.
Have a good day.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Nearly Finished With Bunnies in the Field.

 I worked on  "Ceramic Bunnies in the Field" again today.  Got it satin-stitched, layered and pinned.  Next steps are the quilting and then adding the binding.  That will happen another day.

This Door Hanging will measure approximately 14 by 16 inches when its finished.  Its just the right size to hang on my front door to herald Easter.

A few more things to consider here like how about a fairy in the background or maybe a butterfly or two.  The eyes have to be added and the blush for the nose and the ears.  I think that should finish it up but you never know.  My creative side is always thinking, thinking, thinking on how to improve something.
Have a nice day.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

"Ceramic Eggs in the Field" is Finished.

I finished this door hanging today.  "Ceramic Eggs in the Field" is one I made for Easter this year.  I did not to my usual quilting.  Instead I tacked it together with beading in the flower bed and some trims here and there around the eggs themselves.

This Door Hanging measures 13.5 inches by 16 inches now that its finished.  

Here's a closer view of the beading in some of the flower centers.  It doesn't show up too well, but its there.  I am satisfied with how it all came out. 
I have other door hangings to work on but not today.
Have a good day everyone.  

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Moving Along With My 3 Latest Door Hangings

 I finally got back to my Easter and Spring door hangings.  I needed some flowers for the fields but before I could choose the fabrics, I had to reshuffle one of my fabric shelves into specific piles: Bark/Walls, Backgrounds, Scenics, Flowers, Skies, Greens/Grasses.  With that done, choosing began which is always a tough workout for me.  I change my mind too often to suit me but in the end, I chose what I thought worked.

Here is "Ceramic Bunnies in the Field" with its flowering background added.  Its still in the early stages.

Here is "Ceramic Eggs in the Field" with its flowering background and also some trims around the eggs which is just pinned so I could see it it would work for me.  I like it so far.  

This is "Irises in the Birches" which is just started with background and birch trees.  I am deciding on colors for the 3 Iris that will be center front and how I plan to add the white.  I am thinking of doing white satin-stitching around their outer edges both narrow and wide and having the flower a solid color in the center sections.  I usually do the opposite; have a colorful flower and add white bits in the center of the petals. 

I love working with Replique (upside down applique) which is this method on all three.  Satin-Stitching outlines the objects so they stand out a bit more.  Its like when I was a child and colored in my coloring book.  I learned that outlining the objects with black crayon made them stand out so well.

Time for lunch and a rest for me.  Have a good day.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

This Is A Video of the Coaster Locomotive in Calif.

 I am a big fan of trains.  This video I watched recently of a Coaster locomotive being retired from the scene in California on the San Diego run.  I have always liked this train and could not figure out how to save the film, so I am saving it here until such time as I can unload it elsewhere.

If you are a fan of trains, you may enjoy this video.  If not, just skip this post.  It about 21 minutes long and has lovely California scenery and beaches. 

This video is of the new Coaster Charger Locomotives that replaced the old ones.

These are the newer locomotives now working the San Diego area.
Again, Enjoy.