Saturday, September 10, 2022


 Sorry I haven't checked in lately.  My routine has become rather dull of late.  

I check my garden daily to pick any fruits.  I have been getting enough tomatoes and cucumbers to share with other residents in my apartment house and with my family.  Also a few carrots since my plot was only a 12-inch square.  But darn they were tasty and super fresh.

                           A little of this and a little of that.

For herbs I have thyme and Italian parsley planted so those have been harvested the last few weeks as well.

Our Maine weather has been marvelous.  Our days have been from the high 70sF to the high 80s for the most part.  We only got a couple of hits at 90 plus this year so far.  That's a blessing.  I have not had to water my garden too often since we get rain at least weekly, and most of the time at night.  Living alongside the river, even on hot days we get a beautiful breeze which is so welcome.

Now temps are cooler with days in the 70s and nights in the 50s.

My pepper plants did not do well this year.  I only got a couple of sweets and so far, only one hot pepper.  There is one hot Surena growing now but am waiting for it to turn red.  My son loves hot peppers.  I won't touch them with a ten-foot pole.  I have no idea why I had a problem with peppers this year.  They did fine last year.  Maybe some pathogen in the soil from the store-bought Black Cow compost I added to my garden bed this spring.  It seems that end of the bed did not produce well at all.  Even a couple of tomato plants and the chives in that area did poorly and one cuke plant gave me only a few fruits this year.  Yup, there is something wrong in that half of the bed.

With cooler days coming all my plants will be slowing down to a crawl and I will soon have to put my little garden plot to bed for the season and hope for a better year in 2023.

With fall coming I will be back to making quilted art projects.  I have a few ideas burgeoning in my head and will work on them when it is cooler.  There is no a/c in my sewing area so I rarely do any sewing in the summer.

I hope you all had a good summer and wish you a better fall.

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