Saturday, April 23, 2022


 It's April 23 and sure feels like spring.  I was happily surprised my Salad Burnet made it thru the winter and is renewing its spring growth.

Here it is growing in the upper left-hand corner of my raised garden bed.  Salad Burnet is a green that tastes like celery and a nice salad addition.
I still have my straw covering the bed.  Next weekend I plan to go to Lowe's for bags of composted manure to add to my bed.  I will also get some tall stakes for my tomatoes planned this summer.  I may even buy a plant or two of herbs.  Though I have chives, parsley and bunching onions inhouse under lights, they are getting leggy and are really needing to get outdoors so they may not make it til my bed is prepped for the season.  Next year I will start them indoors later than I did this year.

Our patio garden area is sprouting some daffodils and the smaller jonquils.  I love that we have triple white paper-bark birch trees in our patio garden.

Here is the other section of the garden.  Its so nice to see flowers blooming at last.

Have a nice day my friends. 

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