Sunday, July 11, 2021

I Have Tiny Tomatoes Fruiting

Its always nice to see something fruiting after all our growing efforts.  I have been watching itty bitty tomatoes fruiting on my plants, but today I was able to capture them in pictures since they are getting larger in size.

This is one of my little Red Robin tomato plants.  These only grow from 8" to 12" tall but they give lots of little fruit.  As you can see, the little green tomatoes are forming now and there are lots of blossoms still growing beneath those potato-leaf leaves.

This is my second Red Robin.  Another with fruits and lots of blossoms.  The tomatoes will be about 1 - 1 1/2 inches in size when mature.  Good size, like a cherry tomato.

My Lizzanos, though a larger variety in height than the Red Robin, produce only 1" fruits, but lots of them.  As you can see, they are fruiting now.  I have two of these plants as well.  I love seeing all the itty bitty green nobs forming along my two Lizzanos.  I should have plenty to harvest soon.

As for the rest of my raised bed, I had to water it today which surprised me after us getting 3 1/2" of rain lately.  But I gave the bed a dose of water.  My small variety of peppers are doing well though no fruits yet to be seen.  My Nasturtium flowers are growing larger.  The greens are doing well also, things like Tatsoi, arugula, and lettuces as are the Kale, thyme, and the radishes.  I am loving having a garden again, even if its a small one.  
My carrots have not come up yet so I may be sowing more of them in a day or so.  I got a new shipment, this time Scarlet Nantes carrots which are a good variety and tasty.  

Here's a view of my garden bed today...
Lookin' good.
Enjoy your garden.

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