Monday, March 23, 2020

TIme For Doing Things In Isolation

With this CoronoVirus upon us, its time to say indoors as much as possible and do things to keep ourselves occupied.
If I were still a gardener, like many of you are, I would be starting seeds indoors and watching them grow.  Since those days are behind me and my health problem means limitations, I have turned to crochet projects.
I managed to make a few spring hanging dish towels.
Two are in teal and two are in the same pink, tho I notice that the pink on the left looks sort of tangerine.  Trust me, they are both pink like the one on the right.
I managed those pretty well.  It makes a break from watching my favorite homestead channels on youtube and my favorite Britcoms and British mysteries on either AcornTV or Britbox which I get for a small fee each month.
My son, bless him, went shopping for me this weekend but did not stay after delivery.  He did not want to chance it since he works among the public every day.  I gave him one of my germ masks/respirator type and urged him to wear it while at work.  He seems to think that you only need that if you are the one infected.  If that's the case, then tell me why doctors and nurses wear a mask when seeing patients.  They are not infected.  They are trying to stay that way by wearing a mask when seeing the public.  I think everyone should wear one when with other people.  I had mine on when my son dropped off my groceries.
It seems some things are still difficult to get at the grocery store.  One he could not get me were chicken breasts but he got me steak, stew beef and ground beef.  I have some chicken in the freezer so I am alright for meats for awhile.
Also toilet paper.  I have some anyway, since I have always kept a store of a few things in case I could  not get out to shop.  No regular eggs so he bought me organic which were about 3 times the cost of normal large eggs but I love eggs so that's OK.  Also no blue Dawn, my favorite dish detergent.  Again, I have a bit on hand.   My favorite cheddar cheese, Cabot's Vermont Sharp, was out of stock.  He was limited to buying only 2 rolls of paper towels.  No problem with foods at the deli or fresh produce this week.
As for myself getting out to shop, our local Parks and Rec bus (which normally takes several non-driving elderly to the town's main shopping center once a week)  has been stopped for at least a month and will make decisions at that time whether to start again.  But they are a good group.  Getting together with our local Food Pantry, if any of their elderly patrons need food, we have just to call the town office and they will see that the Pantry takes a delivery box to our door.  So kind. People are good when all is said and done.
What else should one do to keep occupied...
Games online like America Says and Common Knowledge are fun.  There are lot of free games available online if you just go to Google.  How about crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles.  Do you sew?  Get back to making some sewing projects.  Do you quilt?  How about making some table runners or totes or some quilted art to hang on your front door or your walls.  Reading has always been a wonderful way to pass the time and gain fun or interest or knowledge in the doing.
Now is a great time for a good old-fashioned Spring cleaning like its never been done before.
With satellite TV and cable TV there are plenty of movies and informative shows.  I like National Geographic and NatGeoWild to learn more about wild animals around the world.  There are a few shows there made at zoos and they are so very informative.  It never hurts to learn more about the world around us.
So do not despair when you have to stay at home.  You can find things to do if you try.  Stay busy and away from the public.  If you must be out in the world, keep your distance and try to wear a germ mask.  It can't hurt.  And don't try to hoard all the goods in sight.  Buy only what you and your family needs for a few weeks, thereby giving the stores a chance to restock their shelves of new goods.
Stay healthy friends.  Wishing you all the best of health.

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