Saturday, February 29, 2020

March to Come in Like a Lion

Our weather report is usual for this time of year.  We are expecting March to come 'in like a lion' as seems common for Maine each year.
We have had some nice sunny weather lately, with temps days in the 30os to 40sF every day.  Some rain but not much for the month.  Some snow, but again, not much or usual for Feb.  Mostly sunny days.
Yet this week looks bleak.
Rain, rain, rain and possibly even snow for the next 4 days after our lovely sunshine day today.
I guess that means I will be staying indoors.  I hope I do not lose power but I am prepared with my battery lanterns, extra food and water, and even some snacks.  And books to read.
I have received a few Dana Stabenow novels recently and am imbibing.  I love a good mystery.  Now Dana is an Alaskan with roots that run deep.  She tells a good story, usually murder mysteries, and throws in lots of Alaskan knowledge for us to enjoy. Her protagonist is a female who lives and breathes Alaska, one Kate Shuglak.  Kate's companion thru all these travails is a half-wolf sidekick known as Mutt who does her share at keeping her human partner safe.  I am really enjoying these books.
I want to thank a quilting buddy, Holly, for sending me 3 of these.  Thanks, Holly.

I am also enjoying my Britcoms and Brit Mysteries thanks to subscribing to Britcom and AcornTV which carries that line of enjoyment online.  My computer brings me many happy hours whether watching these programs, checking into my favorite homesteaders on YouTube, and playing Solitaire on my screen when needing a change.
I am still having medical issues but hope things change for the better sometime in March after seeing an expert who can put me on meds that work without making me light-headed every day whenever I walk.  With that to contend with, I am literally a homebody, ordering my groceries online since I cannot shop myself.  I manage to clean my house here and there every few days as long as I can sit and rest in between chores.  So life goes on as best as can be managed.  I know that I am in better shape than many who are far more ill so I keep staying positive and try to laugh a little every day.  As they say, and I believe it, 'laughter is the best medicine."  I always feel better after a good, belly-jiggling laugh.
Stay well my friends.  I will check in again soon.  Smile.

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