Sunday, June 19, 2022



The radishes are doing well but those hot peppers at the green posts, both Habanero and Surena, are very tiny.  Peppers, especially the hot varieties, love hot soil and hot days as long as its not in the 90s consistently.  Our days have been in the 60s and 70sF with nights in the 50s and 60sF so not conducive to hot pepper growth.

The sweet peppers, tho, at the green posts, both Wonder Bell on the left and Golden Star on the right, are bigger and already show a blossom on each.
Behind them on the left is my late-transplanted Galahad tomato doing pretty well with my Gold Nugget tomato to its right with lots of yellow blossoms.

In the cage on left are my Bush Pickle cukes doing well and some Nasturtiums to their left.  To their right is a Ruby Crush tomato and behind her a Beaver Lodge Plum tomato.  Both are covered with yellow blossoms.

My Nasturtiums are large and green but no flowers yet.  Behind this group on left is a Tasti-Lee tomato and to its right is tomato Legend.  Again, the tomatoes are healthy, green and sporting many yellow blossoms.

In the cage, Straight 8 cucumbers with a Gold Nugget tomato toward left and my Little Napoli tomato in the upper right-hand corner.  Napoli is flowing with blossoms and started blossoming before any of the others.

Here is a closeup of Little Napoli.  Its the smallest of my tomato varieties but early (60-65 days) and loaded with blossoms.  I think this one will give my first tomato ahead of the others.

That's it, a walk thru my little garden bed.  I am very pleased.  I have parsley and thyme, lettuce, carrots, and some chives besides.  I will get more photos of those soon.

Have a good day.

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