Saturday, June 25, 2022


 It's been a slow time for me lately.  I have my little garden to tend and I am loving it.  So far the blossoms are thriving on my tomato plants and the cukes are looking strong. 

Look at all that greenery.  I made some Irish Spring soap baggies to hang around my little plot to deter the deer.  I understand we have at least one doe that comes thru our back yard in the evenings.  This trick worked in saving my young fruit trees at the house before I moved here so will try it again.

In the front Hosta garden, they are growing well and a couple of Hydrangeas are blooming.

The Pansies and chives in the patio pot are doing well, too.

My Pink Iris Garden door hanging is coming along.  Right now its very rough and unpressed.  
I added the dragonfly, the rest of my irises, the butterflies, and a fairy.  The next steps will be doing my satin-stitching around all the subjects so they stand out. Its rather hard to make them out as they are right now.

Then there is the mini-quilt I plan to make and use as a door hanging as well.

These are the blocks.  I will arrange them to suit me and get started on them in a day or two. The finished product should be around 14" or 15" square. 
Then its decision time again.  I want to make another door hanging but for now, I have no idea what subject to choose.  My fingers are itching to draw something.  Til then, I will have to make do with sewing and garden chores.

Have a good day.

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