Thursday, January 6, 2022

I Am Finally Back To Sewing Art Quilts

Sorry to be missing in action for so long.  With Christmas and prepping and cooking and company, I just did not have the energy to get things ready to post here as well.

Now that I am back on a fairly normal schedule, I am back to sewing.  I have 3 art quilts in the works.  Two I have started on already.  At least I have tacked some of the pieces down which is the early stages.

This is my Gnome Village in the winter.  I thought I would start sewing some gnomes this year.  I bought a gnome water gauge for my garden last year and loved the little guy.  I thought that this year, its gnomes on the schedule.

This one is Winter Warbler.  I found this on a coloring page a few years ago and kept it.  I think it's time to work it.  I see a bluebird in my future.  

I have pulled the fabrics and just started the tacking.  One has to do them in order, back to front like normal applique so they do not overlap.  

My third art piece is a colorful Unicorn.

I have a vision of a white unicorn with colorful mane in different colors, mostly blues, but a strip of green and pink as well.   I love the fullness of the mane.  

With winter only a few more months, I thought it best to finish the Gnome Village and Winter Warbler so they can hang on my front door when they are done before spring.

As for spring, I am planning my garden already.  I have chosen my tomato plants and pepper plants already and placed my order with Territorial Seed on the west coast.  I have always been happy with plants from them.  And the shipping is not overcharged like some places, nor the started plants.  They are bought and paid for and will arrive when they are needed by me in southern Maine, the middle of May for shipping arrival.

If any of you are planning to buy plants or seeds this year, best do so now.  Last year those that waited lost out since seeds were sold out quickly.  You can always keep your seed packets in the refrigerator to keep the seed fresh.  Buying early will not hurt your seeds.
In fact, I have some of last year's seed packets in my fridge and they will be fine for this year.  Most seeds can keep safe for at least 3 years if kept cool.  It's the heat that destroys the seeds so store them in your refrigerator.
As for plants, Territorial Seed will save your plants and ship them when they are needed in your area.  You just have to place that info with your order as I did.

I hope to post here more often now.  I am feeling better health-wise and getting more done these days since December. It feels good to feel good.

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