Sunday, May 23, 2021

Repotted My Veggies Today

 Its time for larger growing areas for my seedlings so I repotted them today. I did the 4 mini tomatoes and the 3 mini red peppers.  I still have to repot my Stevia and thyme tomorrow.

Here they are in their new homes.  On the far left are 2 of the mini-red peppers.  The Lizanno tomatoes are in the front on the right and the 2 Red Robin tomatoes are behind them.

I also did the 3rd Mini-red Pepper.

A long view of all 7 repotted veggies.

Another view of the potted plants.

A closeup view of one of the Lizannos.  They grow larger than the Red Robins and already its spreading out.  I even have some blossoms on it.

My Stevia and Thyme will also be repotted, but tomorrow.  I am looking for some different containers for these two.  I may be able to grow them on my windowsill.  I will try to manage that.

We've had lovely weather around here in southwestern Maine and they should all be able to go outdoors this week as long as the weather report does not show any frosty nites coming up.  So far the nites are in the 40s which is safe for these veggies.  Unfortunately no word from management about our raised garden beds.  Last word was they are trying to get a grant.  Good luck with that.  That takes lots of time and effort to get a grant.  Maybe our raised beds are more likely next year.  I doubt we will see them this year.   I am thinking my repotted veggies will be a gift to my daughter who has a big yard and room for more veggies.

I wish you all a good day and lovely growing weather.

Friday, May 21, 2021

My Tomato Seedlings Arrived Today from Territorial Seed

 I am so pleased with these 4 starter plants.  They are so darn healthy and ready for planting. I have always had good luck ordering from Territorial Seed in Oregon when I wanted started plants.

Now that they are here, for me that means transplanting to larger pots for now since I am not ready, nor is our garden, for any veggie plantings.  

The taller plantings are the 4 tomato seedlings.  Two Red Robin which are shorter only growing about a foot tall and the taller Lizanno plants that grow a foot and a half.   All looking mighty healthy.  I will ttransplant them into 2-liter bottles tomorrow.

Another view of them beside the Stevia and Thyme to their left.

Eagerly awaiting the outdoors are my three mini-red pepper seedlings being nurtured under the lights. These produce small sweet peppers, only about 2 inches across and 1 1/2 inches long.  Great for snacking.

They are healthy and bright and again, I am waiting for our garden space to be available.  Luckily in Maine we do not have to plant these outdoors until the first week of June if the weather holds without any frosty evenings.

I hope you are all enjoying your spring weather.  And I hope for some, that includes some outdoor gardens, whether veggies or flowers or bettet yet, some of both.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

A Walk Thru Our Garden

 I took a stroll thru our back garden today where there is some blooming happening.  The front garden is still stark of color and buds where we have two lilac bushes and some hydrangea and many hosta.

We have an abundance of Creeping Phlox this year....
...on both sides of our garden pathway.  They are so cute and colorful.

We also have four lilac bushes, very young since they were only planted 2 years ago,but they are starting to bloom.

They are still young but they are flourishing.

This one is our fullest one this year.  The others are giving us color and fewer buds, but we are hopeful for so much more in the coming years.

A closeup here of the 4th bush.

Here you can see tulips are starting to bud.  Our Azalea is done and most of the daffodils.

Its always nice to see color in a garden.   And its nice, too, to watch a pair of sparrows raising their new clutch this spring as they do every year.

Have a good day everyone.  

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Transplanted To New Solo Cups

With my peppers growing larger, I had to transplant them to larger quarters so they got their own Solo cups.

Here are two of the mini-red sweet peppers in their own homes.  That's the Stevia to their left.

Here's a third mini-red sweet pepper plant.

The Stevia continues to grow in its started pot.

As does the Summer Thyme.

Still no word on our raised beds yet.  If I have to, I will just transplant these outdoors wherever I can find a spot if the raised beds do not materialize.  I am hoping the beds are made before my small tomato plants arrive from Oregon.  I have 4 ordered and all are small plants so they won't take up much room being Red Robins and Lezzanos.  

Crossing my fingers that management gets on the ball and gets our raised beds soon.
Good luck to you all.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

A Walk Thru Our Back Garden

 The sun is shining and the clouds are dancing across the sky in lovely white puffs.  I strolled thru our back garden to enjoy a bit of color.

This is a recent Azalea.  I love their bright colors.  Too bad they do not last all summer.

The Creeping Phlox are spreading nicely.  It will look like a carpet when its in full bloom.  They adorn the back edge of these raised flower beds.

Here's a closer look at some of the Tulips now in bloom in those beds.

Our Daffodils are still blooming and looking lovely.

I mentioned those pretty puffy clouds and there they are.

This is a bed of Hens and Chicks.  They have lots of growing to do yet.

A peek at the reservoir behind our flowering trees.

Ending on a colorful note, here are some of our Grape Hyacinths.  So pretty yet so small.

No Lilacs peeping out yet in our few young bushes.  Around Memorial Day each year they are full and highly scented.  I love Lilacs.  Too bad they do not last longer.  The Hydrangea bushes are in the front garden and they are still sleeping.  But color abounds here and there and gives us a peek at what's to come.

Its looking more like spring around here after all the rain the last several days.  Our ground needs it to reserve water underground for the coming hotter months.  Luckily here in Southwestern Maine we do not get too hot.  A few days in the low to mid-90sF are rare but it happens.  Usually we get a touch of 90s for a day or two early in the season and then in August. That's what I truly adore about Maine.  That lovely summer weather.

I hope you are enjoying your spring wherever you are.