Tuesday, March 19, 2019

I Had To Start A New Blog.

For some reason I could not get into my usual blog to update with news and pictures.  Not being very techy, I tried whatever I could for 2 days, but to no avail.  Hence the new blog.
My old one is quiltladysgardens.blogspot.com
My new one is quiltcrafter.blogspot.com
If you want to read my old recipes and see my older projects and pictures, please check into quiltladygardens.

My latest project is a quilted wall hanging titles Romance of the Seahorses.  Its in fabric collage, a new medium for me and lots of fun.
These are the loving pair above, intertwined.  I have it laid on the background I chose, but I have still to add water plants.  I am thinking something tall and green and grassy.  I know I have something in my fabric stash that will work, I just have to find it.

Notice my little fairy riding the blue tail.  I believe that fairies can hold their breath for extremely long times so I have no worries for her being underwater.  I like to add a fairy or two in my projects when I can.  They are a favorite of mine.

Here is the rough draft of my next project, a rooster.  Its drawn on pattern paper so it has some weight to it and I can add fusible web pieces as I want them.  Of course, his tail will be bountiful and tall when I'm thru.

I shopped for a few more fabrics for the collage efforts in my future.  These are some I bought just last week.

This is my very first collage on my door, titled simply "Seahorse" it is very colorful and I love the process.

I hope you enjoy my projects and my recipes as I post them.
Have a nice day.

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