Monday, April 17, 2023

I am sewing again.

Where has time flown.  I have been pretty much hibernating thru the end of the winter.  Though our winter was not bad at all this year, with little snow and few storms, its still a long wait between fall and spring.

We have some blooming in our patio garden.

We have our first daffodils.

There are a few clumps throughout the garden including around the birch trees.
I also see the green wisps of tulips coming thru the soil so we should have some soon.
As for my own garden plot, its dormant for now. Plans are in the works for tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, Italian parsley, and thyme, plus radishes, carrots and a few lettuces.  The last three crops will be interplanted wherever there is room and shade for them to grow to until end of spring and early summer.

I have also threaded my sewing machine.  Last year I was working on my 'Pink Iris Garden' wallhanging and set it aside.  Two days ago I pulled it out and started sewing again.  I am into the satin-stitching at this point.
As you can probably tell, I love birch trees.
There will be butterflies, a fairy, and a dragon fly for sure.  My ideas are flowing.

Its wonderful what sunshine and spring can do for a person.
Have a wonderful day.

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