Saturday, December 19, 2020

Don't Drop and Break Another Glass.

I finally figured this out after letting many a glass slip thru my fingers and breaking. Not only a mess of glass to clean up, but whatever was in the glass.  Sometimes it stained badly.

All you need to do is slip a rubber band around your glass.  It prevents your fingers from sliding down the glass.  A really easy fix.  I have not broken a glass in over 4 years since using this method.

I hope this is something that will work out for you.  Hugs, S 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Add Crisco or Peanut Butter to Cups Neatly and Cleanly

 I always dreaded cleaning up after making dough.  The measuring cup for the Crisco was always a greasy mess and hard to clean.  I have solved that problem by using clear wrap. Oh, yes, I tried using clear wrap by lining the measuring cup, but it was awkward and hard to get proportions correct.

I just place a blob of Crisco on a piece of clear wrap.  Make sure its large enuf to stick into your measuring cup.

With the weight of the first spoonsful of Crisco, you just place the blob into your measuring cup and presto, its going to be neat and clean.

Measure a couple of spoonsful of Crisco onto a large piece of clear wrap.

Place the wrap into your measuring cup.  Press your Crisco down into the wrap.  Now you can add more Crisco on top til you have the correct amount.

Top off the cup for the amount you need.  Now just slide out the clear wrap from your cup and plop the Crisco into your flour.  Nice and clean and easy to clean up afterwards.
I found that peanut butter works this same way. 

This idea made my day.  Enjoy.  Hugs, S 

My Touch-Screen Purse

 How do you handle having your cell phone nearby?  The ones made these days are larger than my old one and do not fit in all the pockets of my clothing.  Some are too small and the phone would fall out.  But I found the answer.

This is the perfect answer to having your phone with you at all times.  
At my age, I want one always by my side.  I had a smaller phone that fit in most of my pockets but these newer, larger phones that do everything but wash my dishes, they need something a bit larger.  I found the Touch-Screen Purse to be the answer to my prayers.
Its large enough that it holds my phone and there are slots for credit cards, driver's license, etc and you can put your grocery list in it as well.
You do not have to take it from the purse to use it.  Just touch or swipe the screen.  It works just fine.  I love mine and even wear it to bed.  It comes with an adjustable cord so you can shorten or lengthen it as desired. This way I can wear mine over my shoulder and under my arm.
 Now I feel safe all day long.  The only time I do not wear it is in the shower.  LOL.
This may be the answer for many of you that require having a phone near for health issues.
Its a Thumbs Up.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Helpful Covid Mask Information......

 Here is the latest regarding face masks and Covid.    I hope this is helpful to many.

Taking into account their study findings and the results of other studies, the Virginia Tech researchers recommended people wear a "three-layer mask consisting of two outer layers of a very flexible, tightly woven fabric and an inner layer consisting of a material designed to filter out particles," such as a "high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter."

The researchers also suggested that masks should be well-fitted and not have any gaps between fabric and the face. If all conditions are met, the study found that the mask's "overall efficiency would be greater than 90%."

Dr. Chris Beyrer, a professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, who was not affiliated with the new study, told TODAY that layers in a mask can contribute to its efficacy. "The layers do help, because they filter out the smaller aerosols," he said.

Should you wear two face masks to make them more effective?

It's important to make sure that your mask has enough layers of fabric to be effective, but some, including President-elect Joe Biden, have been seen wearing multiple masks at once. Experts say that this is an extra step that can help limit any "leakage" of air, but isn't necessary in most cases.

"For all the rest of us, a second mask may reduce 'leakage' and could be a reasonable thing to do, particularly for public-facing employees such as teachers, grocery cashiers and bus drivers," said Dr. Sten Vermund, dean of the Yale School of Public Health in New Haven, Connecticut, noting that medical professionals wearing fitted N95 masks should avoid adding an extra layer.

"There is no harm to dual masking unless someone were to have trouble breathing, but this is rare in mask use unless someone has prior respiratory limitations such as severe COPD."