Saturday, June 20, 2020

My Good Friend's Garden

I have a good friend who is very dear to me.  She and her Mother plan and grow a garden every year and its on the Garden Tour every summer.  I wanted to share some of her pictures with you.....
Here are some Zucchini plants.

A few Cucumber plants ready to vine. She also has radishes, lettuce and other veggies in the garden.

Her Roma Tomtoes

The Spaghetti Squash.  Her rows are always so neat and well weeded.

Now for a tour of the rest of the garden which includes the flowers....

I think these show what a lovely garden she has every year and its just getting started.  It includes flowers as well as vegetables for the table which in my opinion, is the best of gardens.

I hope you enjoyed this walk thru the garden today.

Friday, June 12, 2020

My Hand-sewn Germ Mask With Filter Space in Photos

I made a germ mask that you can make by hand-sewing.

These instructions make one adult germ mask with filter space

11-inch Pot Lid or Dinner Plate (for template)
1 Piece Fabric 12 inches or more square
Needle, thread, Scissors (or rotary cutter)
Coffee Filter or not (your choice)
Ribbon or Fabric suitable for making ties for tie backs   or …..
Two 7-inch pieces of elastic if making ear loops

Use an 11-inch pot lid or a large dinner plate for the template.  Place on fabric and draw around it.

I tried pencil but it was barely visible so I used a magic marker instead.

Fold circle in half and press.

Press circle in half again.  Open it up and cut on the drawn lines.  You will have 4 quarter circles.

If you use a wide rule and a rotary cutter its easier than with a scissors.

Measure 1 inch from the pointed end and cut those little triangles off on all 4 pieces.  These are your tab ends for ties or loops.

Place right sides together and lock seams evenly.  Stitch across the bottom half of your piece.  Use a back stitch to make it secure (or use a sewing machine).

For the top half, leave an opening on either side of the center seam for turning and for the filter opening.  I left about 1 1/2 inches on either side of the center face seam.

Turn the piece right side out.  Fold down the filter opening inside and sew stitches across on both front and back sections.  You want the opening for the filters.

For the two tab ends, fold over a quarter inch and then fold over once more and sew in place.  This is where you will thread your ties for the mask.

For this demonstration only, I was running behind schedule so I just cut two long strips of fabric about an inch wide and threaded it thru the tab sides with a safety pin.
In ordinary circumstances I would thread thru a washable ribbon or make a fabric tie.  The pattern in the video calls for two 26-inch ribbons, but I found I wanted mine a little longer.  I cut mine 28 inches and it worked just fine for me.

For a fabric tie, cut a fabric strip 1 and 1/4 inches wide, fold both sides to center (right sides out) and press.  Next, fold in half so the rough edges are inside and unseen and press again.  Sew along the open edge of the folded fabric so you have a nice, even tie back.

Here is the mask without any filter inside.  The opening at the top is not hindered in any way.

Into the top opening you can stuff your choice of filter.  I have chosen a coffee filter.  Just tuck it into the space and smooth it out inside.  You can easily withdraw the filter and toss when you are safe at home.  These masks, being 100% cotton, are washable for use over and over again.  Just tuck a new filter in the mask when you go anywhere.

Here is the mask with the coffee filter in place.  The mask fits snugly and you can tie it as tight as you like since this one uses long tie backs.  Just place the mask loosely on your face, tie the bottom ties  around your neck, lift the mask over your nose and tie the upper ties snugly behind your head.

I have used both tie backs and ear loops and find tie backs work better for me.  They can be tied as tight as you like and that makes them fit more snugly around your face for a safer fit.

I hope these instructions were easy to follow and you, too, are able to make this mask.  You can make it all by hand, all by machine, or a little of both.  Depends on how you feel and what you can use that particular day.
Have a good day.

How To Hand-Sew A Germ Face Mask

There have been many patterns for face masks on the internet but all of them have been using sewing machines.  What if you do NOT have a sewing machine?  What if a medical issue makes it impossible to use a sewing machine?  Well, you too can make masks if you can sew by hand.
I watched this from end to end and found it a good source for masks.  There are two ways to add the ties, either looping over the ears or tie backs.  I also feel that one can insert a filter of some kind if you only sew the top section together leaving about a 2 1/2" center opening.  You just have to maneuver a coffee filter or other chosen filter into the opening and it gives that extra layer of protection.   You can also toss the filter away after use. 
I have some medical issues that, for me, make sitting at my sewing machine a difficult task at the moment so I plan to try making this type and sew it by hand, sitting comfortably on my sofa with thread and needle in hand.
I will take pictures of the event and give any tips as I make one of my own.
Have a good day.

Monday, June 8, 2020

A Walk in the Garden Today

Its a beautiful and sunny day today in the 60sF so a nice day to stroll thru the back garden.
Just enjoy your stroll with me.

And I couldn't forget a view of the river.

I love seeing flowers.  I love color.  Springtime and summer are great seasons for me.
Have a good day.

Monday, June 1, 2020

I Am Back to Sewing After Many Months.....

It feels so good.  The weather is co-operating with my body.  I cannot stand too much heat whether from Mother Nature or from the heating system in this building.  Maintenance tried to adjust it for me, but it stays too warm on this corner of the building.  I get the early morning sunshine into the early afternoon and it heats up my two outside rooms (living room and bedroom) so that I rarely even have to have the heat going in the winter in my apt.  They are saving natural gas with me.
Health wise I am also improving and my cardiologist is very happy with me, too.
Anyway, that meant a venture into sewing.
I pulled out a WIP (Work in Progress) which is a stained-glass rose feature wall hanging.  I added the last of the elements along with the leading lines.  The next step is a big one, doing the leading itself and will have to wait for another day.
Not tomorrow since maintenance should be putting in my A/C unit either tomorrow or Wed.  I need to wait for that to get done due to distance and health.   If they are as lax as last year, they will forget me entirely and I will have to wait an extra week for my unit.  I hope they are here tomorrow.
Here's a close-up look at the roses.

This is a full view of the works.  You can see the black stitching that marks the leading lines between the features.  I will also satin-stitch around all the leaves, roses, and frame before I'm done.

Its a great day today here in Maine with temps in the 50sF which is wonderful for me.  I do not need to run the fans and sewing in my corner was no effort at all.  I hope for several more comfy days in my future especially since maintenance is supposed to put in my A/C unit tomorrow.  That keeps me alive and well for the summer.
Have a good day friends.