Tuesday, June 18, 2019

June 18, 2019 Brings Us Colorful Flowers

It getting close to summertime so the gardens are flourishing with spring color.

This little plot around some of my favorite birches, is a treasure trove of Siberian Iris.

Someone has a couple of pots of tomatoes this year.  Whenever I go past them, I shake the limbs a bit so the pollen can distribute to make more tomatoes.

A view of the garden towards the raised beds.

Here is the other plot of garden on the other side of the pathway.

A closer view of the little flowers.

I love Iris, even Siberian Iris and these dark purples are lovely today.

As for white Iris, what could be more beautiful on a summer's day.  As you can see in the background, our wild rose border along the dirt roadway is also blooming in its lovely shade of pink.

The Ascot Races from England ran today.  They are ahead of us in time so they are already finished, but I recorded them so I could watch them this afternoon.  Its four and a half hours of racing for me for the afternoon.
What color will the Queen be wearing today?  My guess is turquoise.  They bet on that as well as the horses.  Imagine at her age getting out and about for the Ascot races all week long.  I hope I have some of her energy in my 90s.  I just love the scenery at Ascot and the dresses and flowery hats on the ladies and the tall silk hats on the gentlemen in their formal dresswear.  Its a glorious day to be out and about.

Have a good day.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Yellow Rose Stained Glass Started

I love Stained Glass so I am making a stained glass wall hanging by quilting it.
Here is the drawing.  I actually copied this idea from the computer and printed it out in sections to give me a larger drawing.  Its not exact since I just took the idea and went with it a bit further.
I have a neutral background and it will be square when finished.

So far I have tacked down the frame and the leaves.  Next will be the roses themselves and lastly the leading needed to make this a stained glass piece of art before satin stitching to make the effect of stained glass.
I needed a change from what I was doing, the fabric collage, and this piece has been on the drawing board for over a year.  It deserved my attention today.

Lovely day here in Maine, in the 70sF and sunny.  I love weather in Maine in the spring, summer and fall.  Of course, I could do with a change in the winter, like maybe a condo in Florida, but that won't happen unless I win the lottery and darn it, for that, I must buy tickets.  So for now, I just stay indoors when its too cold or snowy and enjoy the warmth of my little apartment and doing things I love.

I wish you all a good day.  Hugs.