Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Some of My Quilted Art Works

I thought I would post some pictures of some of my quilted art work thru the years.
I enjoy making seasonal art works like Autumn Wind which I display over Halloween and thru the fall.

Birches By the Sea (51 by 41 inches) is a large artwork that hangs in my bedroom.  Its the last thing I see at night and the first thing in the mornings.  I just love this huge work.

In many of my works I add a fairy or two.  I adore fairies and love adding them to my works.   You can find two of them here in Birches By the Sea.

Another favorite of mine is Carousel Prince.  I have always loved carousel horses and at one time had a rather large collection of carousel figurines.  I have very few displayed these days in my small apartment, but this Prince  (31 by 39 inches) I will always keep.  I won a blue ribbon for this in a Texas quilt show.

This Hummingbird wall hanging was my first venture into Replique (upside-down applique) and I fell it love with the technique.  It, too, took a blue ribbon.

This Cat Under the Birches is another Replique wall hanging.  In spring I display these smaller ones on my front door.
A full view of the cat.  As you may have guessed, I also love birch trees and use them in my works when I can.

I don't just do artworks, I also designed a Big Pocket Tote and have made some for friends as gifts.  This one I made for a gal who loves snowmen.   There are two huge outer pockets and 4 to 6 inner pockets depending on which way I wanted to go.   The patches on both sides of the big pockets are snowmen.  I made another for a friend who loves Holstein cows and her pockets feature those.

I am displaying this one on my door right now because Easter is next week.  Another Replique project.

I like to make miniature quilts as well.  This one is made with hexagon stars. I love the technique and since I have always loved kaleidoscopes (I have only 2 left from my collection I'm afraid) this suits my need.

Another love of mine is Victorian Ladies along with Victorian Architecture.  I may not be able to build a house, but I can make Victorian Ladies.  This is one of them.

This Replique is in tribute to my corgi Penny, who left this Earth for a trail Over the Rainbow in December of last year.  I miss her dreadfully.

I will have to come back another day and show a few more of my art works.  My days of large bed quilts are over.  I do not have the space nor the tables I need to make them.  In my years past I think I have made at least one bed quilt for each of my relatives along with Holiday quilts for close family.  These days are reserved for smaller projects like door hangings, totes, table runners, and a few small things I give as gifts at Christmastime.

Have a good day.

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