Friday, June 21, 2024


 Well we have finally reached the summer days.  Ours came in like a lion.  First the heat of a 2nd day in the 90sF and then abruptly around three pm the storm hit.  Furious, it was.  Thunder and lightning and pounding rain.  The good thing is the air cooled down immediately to 72 degrees.  We lost our cable but not our power which is a good thing.  I was able to make my big pot of mashed potatoes. I wanted enough leftovers to try a new recipe, Mashed Potato Cakes.  If it works like I hope it will, I won't have to grate potatoes to make my usual Lithuanian Belinkis which are potato pancakes.  The grating takes its toll on me so if I can find another way, I'll try it.  I will let you know soon.  

Have a wonderful summer my friends.

Thursday, March 14, 2024


I am still around and kicking.  I have not been sewing lately so nothing to show you.

The big news is I gave up my garden space.  It's been difficult doing the work to keep my garden neat.  Weeding is not so easy these days.  Time to let another resident enjoy the garden plot since there's a waiting list.  I am happy that I got a decent harvest of tomatoes this past season and made some frozen roasted garlic tomatoes to save in my freezer.  They sure add wonderful flavor to dishes when I make sauces.  

I have been reading a lot thru the winter and doing less housework.  Our local library has a librarian who comes to our building once a month to bring us books of our choice.  It's a good way to get to read books without the cost of buying them.  I have been making good use of this free service.

I am hoping to get back to sewing soon.  I have been drawing pictures thru the winter.  I have some new ideas popping up.  It's just a matter of getting myself in sewing motion.

Wishing you all a good season.